Slim Westerns Vol II by A Small Good Thing
Formats: CD (BAY 8CD) Limited Edition Double CD (BAY 8CDX) Digital (BAY 8E)
Release Date: 29 April 2002
It won’t come for you first…
…it’ll come for what you love
Slim Westerns Vol II is the long awaited companion to the first Slim Westerns album, originally released in 1994 on the US Soleilmoon label. A highly evocative soundtrack to an imaginary Western, its musical touchstones include Morricone, Badalamenti, Adamson, Cooder, Calexico and The KLF's Chill Out. It'll get under your skin, and you won't want it to leave.
A Small Good Thing's slow and steady history is now bookended by these maps and explorations of the Wild West, shaped by the gauzy iconography of half-remembered Saturday afternoon TV movies and reinforced by the lonely literary landscapes of Raymond Carver, Richard Brautigan, Cormac McCarthy and Flannery O'Connor. A world of wandering lost souls, damaged cowboys, bad preachers - thems what don't fit in. Disengaged by sheer distance from the heat of the desert, ASGT's music glides into the cool slipstream of ambient space, returning frontier America to its source in ghostly form.
Slim Westerns began as a musical score to the mythical adventures of an outlaw character by the name of Gerry Melody. The 12-page fake pulp western novel accompanying the CD continues this thematic thread of Gerry's unraveling tale.
A double CD limited edition is also available, including the long lost first volume of Slim Westerns.

1. Crop Duster
2. A Mighty Stillness
3. Border Incidental
4. Hey, Mister!
5. Saloon Dreams
6. Let's Get Ripped
7. 3 Word Prayer
8. Slow Rotating Machine
9. Wide Of Nashville
10. El Mariachi Loco
11. Richard Brautigan
12. Sleep Of The Just
13. Night
2CD Limited Edition also includes:
1. Godforsaken
2. Drowning Light
3. Twice As Evil As You
4. In The Heart
5. Gulch
6. Flamenco 1
7. Scorched Earth
8. Heathaze
9. Someplace South Of Here
10. Gunsmoke
11. Flamenco 2
12. Saguaro
13. Jane Russell REVIEWS
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